Contemporary Containers and Cuts
Earl Lieske III is an award-winning horticulturist, florist, garden guru, plant nerd, and artist who thrives on inspiration from nature and changing seasonal colors. He is currently located in northern Minnesota continuing his extensive educational and professional journey. With a family history steeped in Midwestern friendliness and industriousness, Earl's interest in horticulture started from a young age and continues to grow.
Earl's design perspective is influenced not only by the latest container and gardening trends, but also by his unique, artistic eye. With a focus on form, texture, and structure, he creates distinctive designs with unexpected foliage and color combinations. Be it blooms, shrubs, edibles, faux materials, and other landscape plants, when it comes to container design, interior or exterior, nothing is off limits. Learn more about Earl's experience and design aesthetic here.

"It is art, it is living sculpture — make it glorious."

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"Earl Lieske is the real deal. ... The design perspective [he] has
is also one that is close to my own heart; it starts with foliage
being central to his work."
-Christina Salwitz

"As a container gardening enthusiast, I am inspired by [Earl's] designs and enjoy corresponding with him to learn more about how he creates his visual compositions."
-Colleen Zacharias

"Earl's intimate knowledge of each plant's growth habit and characteristics, combined with his innate artistic sense, allow him to create designs that connect all the elements of scent, line, color, texture, and movement!"
-Kathryn Bartlett, Chalet Nursery

Nature and Travel Photography
Don't miss out on Travel + Natural Wonder photography. Check out my Instagram @UpNorthEarl

Interior, All-Season Container Designs
Interested in container designs exclusively for inside your home, office, or business? Browse the Gallery here